Redes compartidas de tseltales y zapotecos: Los caminos hacia un internet pluriversal
Este trabajo de investigación examina el surgimiento de las redes compartidas en comunidades tseltales y zapotecas de Chiapas y...
Este trabajo de investigación examina el surgimiento de las redes compartidas en comunidades tseltales y zapotecas de Chiapas y...
This article examines, with ethnographic lenses, the emergence of shared networks in the Tseltal and Zapoteco communities in Chiapas...
O objetivo geral desse artigo é promover um debate informado sobre a política de citações na Governança da Internet...
This article examines the representation of the migrant caravan on Instagram showing how an aesthetics of otherness has prevailed...
The purpose of this article is to discuss an ethnography of code, or code ethnography, a method for examining...
This article examines the formation of the first internet exchange point (IXP) in Mexico amid the implementation of telecommunication...
We analyze public points of interconnection of Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple (GAFA) in the global North versus the...
This article aims to shed light on the multiple and complex ways that information flows in communication processes mediated...
This chapter examines the results of a longitudinal study based on data from three surveys (fielded in 2010, 2014,...
Este capítulo propõe um conceito de letramento digital que possa ser quantificado por um indicador voltado a mensurar as...
This paper examines the representation of the migrant caravan on Instagram through the articulation of an aesthetics of otherness....
We address the implications of GAFA’s choice of points of interconnection in the global North versus the global South...